Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Take A Break
30The apostles then rendezvoused with Jesus and reported on all that they had done and taught. 31Jesus said, "Come off by yourselves; let's take a break and get a little rest." For there was constant coming and going. They didn't even have time to eat.
32So they got in the boat and went off to a remote place by themselves.
Sometimes when you do so much, you get tired. The body is only Human and it gets tired. Sometimes you need to rest, take a vacation. Though it doesn't sound like it, this verse is the way that the disciples and Jesus took a vacation, they got into a boat away from everything. Jesus' example is to rest when you exhaust yourself.
I sometimes feel like there are so many things that are going on in my life. Sometimes, it is good for me, sometimes it is too much and can tired my body. I need to know when those times are so that, when I really am tired, I don't overdo things. I don't want to do too much that it breaks down the body.
Father God, you have taught me to work hard and to do many things for you, but I thank you for also teaching me that there is time to rest, to take a break, to get away from it all to have some time for yourself. Lord, I thank you for what you have done, and I also want to thank you for the time we take to rest. Let it be blessed so that we always feel refreshed to do more for you. Lord, I thank you and give you all the glory in Jesus name.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Living Holy
44"Make yourselves holy for I am holy. Don't make yourselves ritually unclean by any creature that crawls on the ground. 45I am GOD who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Be holy because I am holy.
God is the most Holy being and He wants us to be Holy like Him. He does not like unclean and dirty things. We should not like unclean and dirty things. He wants what is best for us, and as he is the best thing ever, we should be like Him, Him who is Holy.
I need to make myself Holy, not just before God, but in all things that I do. I must have a right heart, a Holy heart. I want to make myself Holy when serving the Lord. I must make myself Holy because God is Holy.
Lord, I thank you for being so Holy. I want to be Holy like how You are Holy. Lord, I thank you for being the Holy one, the one that can die for my sins. Lord, I pray that my sins be taken from me and to die for it, so that I may be Holy for you. Lord, I thank you for this. I thank you for letting me be Holy for you. Let me have strength to be Holy for you, in all that I do. I thank you and praise you and give you all the glory.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Holy Spirit Power
20because Herod was in awe of John. Convinced that he was a holy man, he gave him special treatment. Whenever he listened to him he was miserable with guilt--and yet he couldn't stay away. Something in John kept pulling him back.
John was born with the Holy Spirit. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and was using the power of it to share God's words. Whenever King Herod heard John speak, he was moved by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit moves hearts. When you know you have sined, the Holy Spirit shows it to you. That is the power that the Holy Spirit has. John was using the power of the Holy Spirit even when jailed up.
I know that the Holy Spirit gives me power to spread God's words. I need to learn how to use that power, the boldness, so that I can tell others about my Lord. I need to also know that the Holy Spirit is with me as I find opportunities to share God's words.
Father God, I thank you and praise your Holy name. I thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit. It has given me strength and courage to do your will. Lord, I pray that I use the power of the Holy Spirit to share your words. I pray that the Holy Spirit be used in your will. I want it to take control as I want to witness for you. Lord, I thank you for the gift you have given me. I thank you for the blessings you have put upon me. I give you all the honor and praise and all the glory goes to you in Jesus name.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Risk Of Faith In Jesus
30At the same moment, Jesus felt energy discharging from him. He turned around to the crowd and asked, "Who touched my robe?"
31His disciples said, "What are you talking about? With this crowd pushing and jostling you, you're asking, "Who touched me?' Dozens have touched you!
32But he went on asking, looking around to see who had done it.
33The woman, knowing what had happened, knowing she was the one, stepped up in fear and trembling, knelt before him, and gave him the whole story.
34Jesus said to her, "Daughter, you took a risk of faith, and now you're healed and whole. Live well, live blessed! Be healed of your plague."
This woman who had so much faith to see Jesus and to even put a finger on his cloak was healed. This woman had faith. She had faith that Jesus can do something in her life. This woman was sick. She was sick, yet she believed in Christ Jesus.
I need to put my faith in Jesus. When I am sick, I want to let God know of my sickness, so that, through faith, I may be healed. I may get close to Jesus so that He may heal me. If my faith is enough, Jesus can do miracles.
Lord, I thank you for your son Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for my sins. Lord, I pray that you pour you power of healing over my dad as well as me, Lord. I pray for my dad that his sense becomes well, his headache is gone, and his body be strengthened. I also pray for my own sickness. Lord, I know that you can heal. I pray in faith that you will do something here. I thank you for that which you will do. I thank you for all your blessings. Let me be a light for you. I pray all these things in Jesus name.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Forget That, Focus On Jesus
16Those who had seen it told the others what had happened to the demon-possessed man and the pigs. 17At first they were in awe--and then they were upset, upset over the drowned pigs. They demanded that Jesus leave and not come back.
These people that saw Jesus' miracle were first amazed at what had just happened. That this man who was so crazy, suddenly was sain and calm. It was only God's hand that could had done it. Then after a while, they thought about the pigs, and that they lost the pigs because of Jesus' miracle. These people where thinking too much into the earthly senerio and not about the wonder of Jesus Christ.
Sometimes I also think too much. I think about school, I think about what I have to do tomorrow. Because of too much thinking, I can sometimes miss out on Jesus' miracles, on his words, on the still small voice that He is speaking to me about. I have to stop thinking too much and focus on God more.
Lord, I thank you for your presence. I thank you for your name. Father I pray for this word from you. I pray that I focus more on you and less on the problems I face throughout life. I know that everything is in your hands. I know that you will take care of everything for me. You want the best for me and to bless me so much. Lord, let me keep this word in my heart and focus more on you and on your power and glory. I thank you and pray this in Jesus name.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Fitting Words
33With many stories like these, he presented his message to them, fitting the stories to their experience and maturity. 34He was never without a story when he spoke. When he was alone with his disciples, he went over everything, sorting out the tangles, untying the knots.
Everything that we may say are always heard. It can be heard by non-Christians, who then will think about us in a certain way. What we say about the Lord is also the same. They will take what we say and think about the Lord in a certain way. This verse reminds me to say what is right, His words. Let it be fitting to those that we speak to. Don't go off in tongues when sharing His words to non-believers. Also, this verse reminded me that Jesus was never without a story to tell to the people. Like P. Ray always says, always have a testimony to share to anyone when appropriate.
I first need to make sure that the things that I say are Godly words, words that reflect God's will. Second, I need to make sure that I have a testimony with me to share to those that need something to be shared to. There might be an instance when someone is talking to me and it is the perfect time to share a testimony with them, but I don't have one. Always have a testimony to share!
Lord, I thank you for you are so Holy. I thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Lord, I want to grow more in you. Let me grow in you through the words that I read. Let me speak only what you want me to speak. Let me be a witness to those around me so that it may show your glory. Lord, I pray that my testimony that I share with others will open their hearts to know you. Lord, I thank you for your rhema and I pray that you be with me that I may share your words. Give me courage and give me strength. I thank you and pray this all in your glory.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Live His Words
16"And some are like the seed that lands in the gravel. When they first hear the Word, they respond with great enthusiasm. 17But there is such shallow soil of character that when the emotions wear off and some difficulty arrives, there is nothing to show for it.
There are many times when I would get so hyped up about the Lord. There are many times that you are on a emotional high, and you want to keep that high for the Lord, but then after living some days or some weeks, its all gone. When you hear God's words, you must live it and have it in you.
I am like this person sometimes when hey first hear the word, they respond with great enthusiasm, but after a while, it dies out. I need to build my character up so that I don't wear out God's words. His words can last forever if I keep it close to my heart.
Lord, I thank you and praise your holy name. I give you all the worship and everything I have. I thank you for this word, this word of strength. I know that I must keep your words close, let it build my character so that I may withstand many obsticles that I encounter. Lord, I thank you for this word. Let it strengthen me. I ask that you let me grow stronger in you and be with me as I do. I thank you. Let me live your words so that I don't lose your hype. I give you all the glory in Jesus name.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
God Is Great
6GOD passed in front of him and called out, "GOD, GOD, a God of mercy and grace, endlessly patient--so much love, so deeply true--7loyal in love for a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin. Still, he doesn't ignore sin. He holds sons and grandsons responsible for a father's sins to the third and even fourth generation."
God is so wonderful. He is glorified through all names. His glory and power are eternal. His love is everlasting. Here, God is being glorified. No amount of priase can show His love for us.
I know that I love to praise God, but I need to learn to do it even more. Giving God honor and praise and worship is something I love to do. I can't thank Him enough for dying on the cross for my sins. I praise and worship Him everyday of my life.
Lord, I give you so much praise. I give you so much honor and glory. Your name is praised above all names. Your glory shines through all men. I give you my worship. I give you my everything. You are such a great God. I want to praise your Holiness. I thank you for letting me give you praise. Let me do this everyday with a willing heart, even when I don't feel like it. I thank you and give you all the honor and glory in Jesus name.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
God's Given Skill
1GOD spoke to Moses: 2"See what I've done; I've personally chosen Bezalel son of Uri, son of Hur of the tribe of Judah. 3I've filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him skill and know-how and expertise in every kind of craft 4to create designs and work in gold, silver, and bronze; 5to cut and set gemstones; to carve wood--he's an all-around craftsman.
6"Not only that, but I've given him Oholiab, son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan, to work with him. And to all who have an aptitude for crafts I've given the skills to make all the things I've commanded you:
God has given us skills, talents. He wants us to use those talents for Him. He has commanded us to to things, build things, follow His commmands. We are suppose to use our talents and skills that we are blessed with for Him.
Am I using my talents that God has blessed me with for Him? Am I using it for his kingdom? I want to be used by my Lord with the talents which he has given me. If He says to do this for Him, I want to be able to do it. I want to multiply the talents which he gave me and give it all to Him.
Lord, I praise you for you are glorified. I thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Lord, I pray that the talents which you have blessed me with be talents that I may use for you. Lord, I thank you for these blessings. I thank you for everything you have done for me, my health, my family and friends, my talents. Lord, use me for your kingdom. Let me be a witness for you. Give me opportunities and give me wisdom and courage to do your will. I give you all the glory in Jesus name.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Hanging With Sinners
15Later Jesus and his disciples were at home having supper with a collection of disreputable guests. Unlikely as it seems, more than a few of them had become followers.
Jesus was hanging out with those that needed Him most. He was not hanging out with the holy people, or his disciples all the time. He came to earth to die for the sinners, to die for everyone.
I think I need to hang around some sinners more. I need to be where I am needed. I need to share God's words to others that need Him. I can't always be with my brothers and sisters in Christ all the time. I need to share His words to others.
Lord, I praise you for you are so Holy. Lord, I pray that you give me a heart to share your word. I pray that you give me courage and wisdom to share your words to everyone that I may encounter. I thank you for your Holy Spirit. I thank you for your blessings. I pray that you give me life through your rhema and let it give me strength to do your will. I thank you and give you all the glory in Jesus name.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Share The News
41Deeply moved, Jesus put out his hand, touched him, and said, "I want to. Be clean." 42Then and there the leprosy was gone, his skin smooth and healthy. 43Jesus dismissed him with strict orders: 44"Say nothing to anyone. Take the offering for cleansing that Moses prescribed and present yourself to the priest. This will validate your healing to the people." 45But as soon as the man was out of earshot, he told everyone he met what had happened, spreading the news all over town. So Jesus kept to out-of-the-way places, no longer able to move freely in and out of the city. But people found him, and came from all over.
When this man was healed by Jesus, Jesus told the man to not say anything to anyone, but to go to the priest to verify that you are healed. When the man left, he couldn't help but tell anyone and everyone how Jesus had healed him. Sometimes we need to listen to Jesus, but our joy for what he had done can't be contained. Sometimes, we might not have enough joy or gratitude to even say anything at all.
This man has shouted out that he was healed. When he was healed, he told everyone he met that Jesus the master had healed him. When Jesus does something for me, do I tell the world. Who am I sharing His blessings with? I should be telling everyone I know about how great Jesus is. Why am I keeping His love and goodness all to myself?
Father God, I thank you for your son Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for my sins. I thank you and praise your holy name. I thank you for all the blessings that you have poured on me. Let me not keep this joy I have to myself, but to share it with everyone that You are God. I thank you and let this rhema move me and let me shine for you, Lord. I thank you and give you all the glory, in Jesus name.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
My Provider
23"Next make a Table from acacia wood. Make it three feet long, one and one-half feet wide and two and one-quarter feet high. 24Cover it with a veneer of pure gold. Make a molding all around it of gold. 25Make the border a handbreadth wide all around it and a rim of gold for the border. 26Make four rings of gold and attach the rings to the four legs 27parallel to the table top. They will serve as holders for the poles used to carry the Table. 28Make the poles of acacia wood and cover them with a veneer of gold. They will be used to carry the Table.
29"Make plates, bowls, jars, and jugs for pouring out offerings. Make them of pure gold.
God told Moses to tell the Isrealites to make offerings for Him. These offerings were made into chests, tables, etc. All of these were made with ALOT of pure gold. Pure gold, something that is scarce now, something that was scarce back then, yet they had it and were willing to give it up to make into a sacrafice for the Lord. How did the Isrealites have pure gold with them? Because God provided. They started off free slaves, now they had gold. Sometimes things look like slavery, or that you just overcame something and got out of slavery, but God will provide, he will provide gold, the finest of treasures for you.
I know that the Lord will provide me with what I need. He has provided even the birds with food for tomorrow. He will provide me with blessings. When I feel like I can't go on, He will provide strength. When I feel that I don't know how, He will provide knowledge. When I feel scared, He will provide courage. My God will provide and with what He provides, I can give back.
Lord I praise your holy name. I give you all the honor and glory. Father, I thank you for providing me with so much. I am so blessed to have a great family, to have great friends, to have great leaders to look up to. Lord, I thank you because you have provided for me, and I pray that you will always provide for me because you will never forsake me. Lord, I thank you for what you have done. Let me give back to you for all the blessings that you have given to me. Lord, I pray that you give me a heart to give back to others and to you. Let me not be selfish and stingy, because that is where my heart may stray off to. Lord, let me know your glory. Let me know when you speak to me. I thank you and give you all the honor and glory.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Love Your Stangers
9"Don't take advantage of a stranger. You know what it's like to be a stranger; you were strangers in Egypt.
This verse was also stated in Exodus 22. It came to me that this law, stated twice, has so much importance to it. God is saying that strangers are not stangers at all, but all are within the body of Christ, or accepted into the body of Christ. All strangers are still treated like brother and sister. All strangers were like you, lost without God. Everyone has sinned and was without God, so like the golder rule is, treat others as you want to be treated. Don't take advantage of others.
I need to uphold this law that God gave to a high standard. Sometimes I would hold different standard for someone else as I would myself, say, with Ginger. But, it shouldn't be that way. I should hold true what I want for myself for other people as well. I can't treat others without respect if I want to be treated with respect. I can't take advantage of others if I wouldn't want to be taken advantage of. I need to hold myself to this rule.
Lord, I thank you for your law of others. I thank you for the rhema that I may be able to uphold your law. I pray that you give me wisdom and guidance to do this in your name. I pray that you be with me and let me not do to others what I wouldn't want to be done to me. Let me love my neighbors. Let me be a witness of Christ Jesus. I thank you for all these things and I give you all the glory.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Laws and Compassion
21"Don't abuse or take advantage of strangers; you, remember, were once strangers in Egypt.
22"Don't mistreat widows or orphans. 23If you do and they cry out to me, you can be sure I'll take them most seriously; 24I'll show my anger and come raging among you with the sword, and your wives will end up widows and your children orphans.
These were the laws of the days in the old testament. These were things that you should do and not to do, with their respective consequences. God, here, is one that is just, telling the people also what is just. He is expects us to do what is just, but when things are not done, then He will step in and make things right.
I know that God is a fair and just God. What He says goes. He wants laws for us so that we may live a right and organized life. If there were no laws, then anything and everything under the sun would go wrong. Anything could happen. If you go against God's laws, then you will have to deal with Him.
Lord, I thank you for your Holy name. I want to give your praise for everything you have done for me. I pray that this word of the law, of how just you are, will show me compassion for others. You are the one who was compassion first, and let me also be just and compassionate to others. Let me know your word so that I may know you. I pray that this rhema give me strength. I pray that you wash my sins with your blood, making me worthy of praising You. I want to thank you, Lord. I give you all the glory in Jesus name.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A Passion That Pleases You
to break the chains of injustice,
get rid of exploitation in the workplace,
free the oppressed,
cancel debts.
What I'm interested in seeing you do is:
sharing your food with the hungry,
inviting the homeless poor into your homes,
putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad,
being available to your own families.
Do this and the lights will turn on,
and your lives will turn around at once.
Your righteousness will pave your way.
The God of glory will secure your passage.
Then when you pray, God will answer.
You'll call out for help and I'll say, 'Here I am.' Isaiah 58:6-9
This is yet another example of how God will grant us His blessings if we do what he wants. This is the way that He wants us to do it. Not without grumbling, or pain, or complaining, but it is about the heart, the way that we do it. With love and compassion, with caring and emotions, with a heart-felt kind hearted way of wanting to do it. This is God's will. This is what pleases Him.
I want to please God in what I do. The way I do it is the way my heart is in it. If I do things without pleasure, it is not pleasing to God. I need to do His will with a willing heart. I need to make His ways my ways. I want to be able to give my whole heart in it, with passion.
Lord, I give your Holy name all the praises. I give all honor to you. I want to have a passion to serve you without all the complaining, without all the grumbling, without my own heart, but a heart after your own will. I pray that I be able to give you my heart with all my passion, to do things all in your name. I give you thanks and all my praises. All the glory goes you You. I pray this all in your Holy name.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Know You Are Here
leaving me high and dry,
forgetting you ever knew me?
Because I don't yell and make a scene
do you think I don't exist?
I'll go over, detail by detail, all your 'righteous' attempts at religion,
and expose the absurdity of it all.
Go ahead, cry for help to your collection of no-gods:
A good wind will blow them away.
They're smoke, nothing but smoke.
"But anyone who runs to me for help
will inherit the land,
will end up owning my holy mountain!" Isaiah 57:11-13
God is always there whenever you need Him as well as there even though you don't need Him. Although He doesn't show Himself in majestic manners does not mean that he is gone. He is still there, with you at your side. If you go running to Him, He will encounter you. He will receive you in His arms. If you acknowledge Him, He will embrace you.
I know that God is always with me. Sometimes I forget that He is there, but that does not mean that He is gone. I want to always know that He is with me. His spirit is with me all the time. If I recognize His presence, then I will draw closer to Him. I need to be able to always talk to my God, even where there is no worshiping or praying, just know that He is there.
Father God, I thank you and praise your Holy name. I want to know that you are there. I want to know that you are always with me. I pray that you give me a spirit for your presence. I want to always know that you are with me even when you are not making a big scene. I want to be able to speak to you even when your spirit is not exploding in this place, so that I may grow more in You. I thank you for this word that you have given me. I give you thanks and honor. I pray that you make me holy Lord, for I want to be Holy in your presence. I pray that you forgive me for all the sins that tarnish my heart, that it be wiped away with Your blood. I thank you so much Lord. I thank you so much. Let me know you this week. I give you all the honor and all the glory in Jesus name.
Monday, February 12, 2007
The Glory Of His Death
a scrubby plant in a parched field.
There was nothing attractive about him,
nothing to cause us to take a second look.
He was looked down on and passed over,
a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand.
One look at him and people turned away.
We looked down on him, thought he was scum.
But the fact is, it was our pains he carried—
our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us.
We thought he brought it on himself,
that God was punishing him for his own failures.
But it was our sins that did that to him,
that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins!
He took the punishment, and that made us whole.
Through his bruises we get healed.
We're all like sheep who've wandered off and gotten lost.
We've all done our own thing, gone our own way.
And God has piled all our sins, everything we've done wrong,
on him, on him. Isaiah 53:2-6
They are talking about Jesus in this passage in Isaiah. They are talking about Him who is to come. Everything that is said has happened to Him. It just shows how much punishment Jesus took, and it was all for us.
I can't thank God enough for the endurment that Jesus took at the hands of humans. He is God. He could have done something to stop all the injustice, but he took it all freely for us, for our lives. He is awesome and only He could have done it.
Lord, I thank you soo much for Jesus, Your Son, for dying of the cross for my sins. I thank you for all the punishment that you took. I thank you for every whip that slashed your skin. I thank you for ever insult shouted at you. I thank you for ever spit that touched you. I thank you for everything that you endured, because it was all for me. I can never thank you enough, my Lord. I give you so much praise. I glorify your name. I give my life for you, because you have purchased it with blood. Lord, I give thanks in Your name. I thank you for everything, for your death, so that I may have this opportunity to live for you. I give you all the glory in my life. Use it for your kingdom. I say all these things in Your Holy name.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Salvation Is Forever
Listen to me, nations.
Revelation flows from me.
My decisions light up the world.
My deliverance arrives on the run,
my salvation right on time.
I'll bring justice to the peoples.
Even faraway islands will look to me
and take hope in my saving power.
Look up at the skies,
ponder the earth under your feet.
The skies will fade out like smoke,
the earth will wear out like work pants,
and the people will die off like flies.
But my salvation will last forever,
my setting-things-right will never be obsolete. Isaiah 51:4-6
This is exactly what is going on in the world. Everything that we see will fade away. Even the sky won't be there someday. The earth under us is starting to break apart. The people today won't be here many years later. This world won't last forever. But like God says, His words will last forever. His promise for everlasting life will always be there. He will never leave us nor forsake us.
I know that God is eternal. He is everlasting. His words will be there for all eternity. This world that I live in will decay, will break apart, will be destroyed, but His promise of salvation for us will remain. That is what God is so Great.
Lord, I thank you for your promise to me of salvation. You are my Lord and you will always be there for me. I pray that you be my strength and my power as you will always be there and even after this earth that I'm in, you will remain with me forever. I thank you and I want to give you all the glory and honor. I thank you for your words. Bless the word in my heart that it remain in me. I give you thanks. In Jesus name.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Full Blessings For Life
with this Message from God,
your Redeemer, The Holy of Israel:
"I am God, your God,
who teaches you how to live right and well.
I show you what to do, where to go.
If you had listened all along to what I told you,
your life would have flowed full like a river,
blessings rolling in like waves from the sea.
Children and grandchildren are like sand,
your progeny like grains of sand.
There would be no end of them,
no danger of losing touch with me." Isaiah 48:16-19
God only wants the best for us. He is our Father in heaven. He tells us what is good for us, like any other father. If we only do what he asks, only good things can come out of it. Like our own desire, he wants us to live life, have a family, have many kids, raise them up right and be proud of them. He says that if we listen to Him, then He will pour out His blessings on us, let us have much children, and everything good that He does will be blessed.
I thank my Lord for blessing me. I only want to follow Him. I thank Him for His blessings and as I continue to follow His words, I want to accept all those blessings from Him. Let Him bless me with children, letting all things grow good.
Father God, I thank you so much for blessing me. I pray that you be with me and guide me with your words. I thank you for you hand upon me. I know that you only want what is good for me. I pray that you bless all these things. If I follow you, you will make a prosper, later with children, all with your blessings. I thank you in advance for what you will do for me. I give you all the glory.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Uncomparable... Living God
Can you picture me without reducing me?
People with a lot of money
hire craftsmen to make them gods.
The artisan delivers the god,
and they kneel and worship it!
They carry it around in holy parades,
then take it home and put it on a shelf.
And there it sits, day in and day out,
a dependable god, always right where you put it.
Say anything you want to it, it never talks back.
Of course, it never does anything either! Isaiah 46:5-7
There are two parts of this passage that speaks to me. The first part is how do we compare God, who is perfect in every way, beauty beyond beauty, nothing on earth or in Heaven can be like Him. He is incomparable. That is how great and awesome He is. The second thing about this passage is that we serve a living God. We have a relationship with Him. Others' idol are materials, things they carry around, things they worship, never doing anything, never talking back. It reminds me of us humans being satisfied. We want a god that we can worship to our liking. If it can tell us we are wrong and we are bad, then we toss that god out the window. My God is my living God. He speaks to me and me to Him. I know he will tell me the wrongs of my life, but I accept that and grow more in Him.
I know God is unbelievable, awesome is His honly name. There is nothing, no words would tell of His true grace and glory. That is His praise. I also know that I can speak to Him, and He can speak to me. We interact with each other. My God is a living God.
Father, I give you all the praise. Nothing can describe your beauty, your glory, your grace. You are truely a perfect God. I give you honor and praises. I can't imagine your full glory. I know that you are my living God and I worship you. You are always dependable, not because you are where I need you, but you are with me every step of my life. I walk with you, and I thank you for your spirit. I give you all the glory, and I pray that you make me into a witness for you. I give you glory in Jesus name.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
A Personal God
the One who got you started, Israel:
"Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you.
I've called your name. You're mine.
When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you.
When you're in rough waters, you will not go down.
When you're between a rock and a hard place,
it won't be a dead end—
Because I am God, your personal God,
The Holy of Israel, your Savior.
I paid a huge price for you:
all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!
That's how much you mean to me!
That's how much I love you!
I'd sell off the whole world to get you back,
trade the creation just for you. Isaiah 43:1-4
My God is not a god of the faith and religion, but a God that I can get personal with. He is not someone out there watching over me, but one that walks with me everyday. He is always there when I need Him. He is a personal God.
I know that God will always be there with me. When I do prayer, He is with me. When I spend time in His words, He is with me. He is a personal God who does not just tells me what to do, but one that does it with me, walking with me, helping me as I stumble, being there for me as I live for Him.
Lord, I want to thank you and praise you because you are MY Personal God. I walk with you everyday. I spend time with you everyday. You are closer to me than I can imagine. I want to thank you for being with me, even as I stumble and sin, you are there for me to help me get back up. I thank you and I praise your Holy name. I give you all the glory, Jesus.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Others' Passion, Your Testimony
38Jesus said, "You have no idea what you're asking. Are you capable of drinking the cup I drink, of being baptized in the baptism I'm about to be plunged into?"
39-40"Sure," they said. "Why not?"
Jesus said, "Come to think of it, you will drink the cup I drink, and be baptized in my baptism. But as to awarding places of honor, that's not my business. There are other arrangements for that."
41-45When the other ten heard of this conversation, they lost their tempers with James and John. Jesus got them together to settle things down. "You've observed how godless rulers throw their weight around," he said, "and when people get a little power how quickly it goes to their heads. It's not going to be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not to be served—and then to give away his life in exchange for many who are held hostage." Mark 10:37-45
James and John wanted to be close to Jesus. They had a heart to be near Him. But, the other disciples got mad at them for this. They were jealous of their passion for God. Sometimes you can be Jealous of people owning fancy things, but you can also get jealous over other people doing things and having a passion for God. This shouldn't be the case. Let others' passion be your testimony so that you may also be as passionate for the Lord.
I know that sometimes, you see other people doing so many things for the Lord. Sometimes you see other people giving up so much and God blesses them with His glory, but then you feel like "what about me?" and "why can't God bless me like that, he/she doesn't deserve to be so blessed." This is a sin to think that way. Like in God's parable, who are we to tell Him who to bless and who not to. I don't want to think that way, instead to feel like God has done something good in others, I want to be like them and have God's blessings on me as well. Not to put others down, but to know God's compassion and pray that he will do the same with you.
Lord, I thank you and give you all the glory. I thank you for all the blessings that you have given to me, as well as the blessings you have poured out on the whole church, my friends and family, and everything else you have done for everyone. Let me not be jealous of others' blessings, but I want the same, let me have the passion like others. I thank you for this word that it may change my heart. I thank you and give you all the glory. In Jesus Holy name.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Give Up The Flesh
21Jesus looked him hard in the eye—and loved him! He said, "There's one thing left: Go sell whatever you own and give it to the poor. All your wealth will then be heavenly wealth. And come follow me."
22The man's face clouded over. This was the last thing he expected to hear, and he walked off with a heavy heart. He was holding on tight to a lot of things, and not about to let go. Mark 10:21-22
I like how the message bible states verse 22 "he was holding on tight to a lot of things,and not about to let go." How true is it to not let go when you have it all. God doesn't want us to NOT be wealthy, but he wants it to also not be between us and Him. If He asks us to give it up, then we should be able to do it. Sure, I know for a fact that it will be tough, the flesh will eat away at our spirit, fighting to not let go, but our Father in Heaven will give us strength to let go.
I have to fight my flesh, not only when it comes to material possessions, but to everything else. Material goods is only one part of the flesh that can pull you down. I know sometimes I think materialistic, it may not be as bad as being greedy, but it's also not up to His standard of obedience. I need to learn to obey God and fight my flesh.
Father God, I give praises to your Holy name. Lord, I pray that you give me strength to fight my flesh of earthly materials and obey You when I give my WHOLE self to you, Lord. I pray that you be with me, give me strength Father. Please forgive me of my sins that I have done to you, any disobedience that I have committed against you, Lord. I thank you for your son Jesus my Christ for dying on that cross for my sins. I give my whole life for Him. Let me have your words in my heart and let me live by it, Lord. In Your Holy name I pray.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Refining Fire...Pure Gold
Sometimes you have to go through some problems to learn the answer. God is saying that He has to put problems in our lives in order to strengthen us and let us grow stronger in Him. Life a refining fire, in the end, only the pure gold is left.
I know that sometimes I am going through some refining fire. I need His strength to help me get through the fire. In the end, I know that I will be more like Him, more like pure gold, Holy in His name.
Lord, I want to praise your Holy name. I give you all the honor and glory. I know that you have put problems and other things in my path because you want me to learn and be stronger and grow in You more. Lord, I pray that you be with me during those times so that I may learn to call upon your strength, I give everything to you, Lord. I want to thank you for your strength and guidance and for your blessings you have gien to me. I thank you for dying on the croos for my sins, Lord. Only You can do that for me. I give you all the glory.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Prayer Leads To Strength
28After arriving back home, his disciples cornered Jesus and asked, "Why couldn't we throw the demon out?"
29He answered, "There is no way to get rid of this kind of demon except by prayer." Mark 9:25-29
Prayer is such a powerful thing. Prayer is to be closer to God. Only with prayer can you spiritually be ready for the attacks that the devil comes at you. Jesus says that with prayer, you have power.
I know that I need more prayer, I need to spend more time in God's presence. Prayer is something that I struggle with. I know that the more time I spend in prayer, the more I get closer to Him. I need to have my standard of prayer be higher, to but high enough that God will be pleased with the time we spend together talking.
Lord, I thank you and praise your awesome name. I give you all the worship today and exalt your name high above all things. Your name is Holy. I give you praise. I thank you and pray that I speak to your more, to have a better prayer life so that I may grow more in you and be more powerful in your name. I thank you for this rhema that you have given to me, and let it move my heart, let it change me so that I may pray with you more. I thank you and I give you all the glory, Father.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
God's Standard For A Nourished Life
Live right,
speak the truth,
despise exploitation,
refuse bribes,
reject violence,
avoid evil amusements.
This is how you raise your standard of living!
A safe and stable way to live.
A nourishing, satisfying way to live. Isaiah 33:15-16
God's words speaks truth in this passage. His words says that the life we live is as clean as the filtering that goes through to it. Its like a firewall. A cleaner network has a better firewall. The firewall stops 'bad' traffic from goin through the network. The better your firewall, the better the clean traffic is running.
Is my 'firewall' a good firewall? Are the standards of my life cleaned and holy? The standard to live is not my standard, but God's standard. Only then can I be nourished and live a healthy life.
Lord, God I want to give you glory and praise for your words that you have given to me. I live my life for you, Lord. I pray that my standard be raised to your standard. I live according to Your way, Lord. I give you all my life and I want to be nourished by your clean living, Lord. I thank you and give my power to stay up to Your standards. I thank you for your blessings and I give your glory.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Gotta Listen To Everything
Put it in a book
So that the record will be there
to instruct the coming generations,
Because this is a rebel generation,
a people who lie,
A people unwilling to listen
to anything God tells them.
They tell their spiritual leaders,
"Don't bother us with irrelevancies."
They tell their preachers,
"Don't waste our time on impracticalities.
Tell us what makes us feel better.
Don't bore us with obsolete religion.
That stuff means nothing to us.
Quit hounding us with The Holy of Israel." Isaiah 30 8-11
I can just imagine people saying this. It is human nature to want what we desire. It is human nature to just please our own flesh, but that is not God's words. His words are to get rid of our flesh, to do what we don't want to. To die to ourselves. If we only listen to what we want to listen to, then what good will it do for us. We are only pleasing ourselves that way, we are not pleasing God.
I know that there are going to be times that God speaks things that I feel like not listening to, but that is no excuse to not listen to Him. I know that I have to listen to his words, and let Him take over my life. I need to allow His Spirit to move me. I need to listen and obey His words.
Lord, I thank you for your Holy Spirit. I thank you for your word of obedience of your words. I know that I have to listen not just for what I want, but for everything that you speak to me about. I thank you for your rhema and let me be guided by your words, Lord. I thank you for this time spending in your presence. I pray that you be with me and give me strength to walk with you, Lord. In Jesus name I pray.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Put Your Heart Into It
"These people make a big show of saying the right thing,
but their hearts aren't in it.
Because they act like they're worshiping me
but don't mean it,
I'm going to step in and shock them awake,
astonish them, stand them on their ears.
The wise ones who had it all figured out
will be exposed as fools.
The smart people who thought they knew everything
will turn out to know nothing." Isaiah 29:13-14
Sometimes it is true how I feel when I am worshiping God. Sometimes it feels like I am not really worshiping Him. My mind might be on something else, my heart might not be focused on Him. Sometimes I am just singing, but not WORSHIPING. I need to put my heart into it, whatever I do, I do it with all my heart.
This rhema shows me that sometimes I could focus on Him more. I need to put my heart into everything I do for the Lord. Even worshiping, I need to put my heart into worship. I can't be going through the motions. Worshiping is like singing to the Lord, you don't just sing it without any emotions, but with all your heart.
Lord, I thank you for your word. I know that I need to give you my heart. I give you all the glory when I do all things in your name. I want to give you my worship, praise you with all my heart. I thank you for the time I spend with you. I thank you for the blessings you always give to me, watching over me. I want to pray that you give me strength and always walk with you.