Sunday, December 31, 2006
Rhema In His Words
Sometimes it is hard to read the Word of the Lord. Sometimes you don't understand it the first time. Sometimes you need an opening of the Word. Jesus can do this.
As I read the Word, I need the Holy Spirit to give me a rhema to, not just understand the Bible, but to be spoken from His words. That is what I do when I journal. That is what I do when I seek Him. As I continue to journal through 2007, I countinue to seek after Him.
Lord, I pray to you with all my heart that you continue to let me grow in your words. I pray that I have an open heart so that you may give me a rhema every time I read yoru word. I thank you for 2006 and for letting me grow in you and continue to keep growing in your through 2007. I pray for everyone of my friends and family that the Holy Spirit open their hearts to seek you and to be saved by you Lord. I pray that you let me be a witness to them and to do your works. I pray and give all my thanks and honor God in Jesus name.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Faith, Faith, and More Faith
Sometimes the truth seems unreal. Sometimes, the truth can be difficult to believe. I feel that faith is a huge factor that you need to have to allow yourself to see the truth.
If I have faith, then I can believe. My faith is strong in my Lord, but I feel that you can also have faith enough to move a mountain. I want faith in my Lord. I need faith in my Lord. I need the Holy Spirit to strengthen my faith.
Father God, thank you for everything that you have given to me. I thank you for your blessings and I thank you for your Son for dying for me. I pray that I have faith enough to be a witness to you. I pray a prayer of faith, one that you feel proud of me to be faithful in you. Thank you Lord and thank you for such a wonderful year of 2006. I thank you in everything in Jesus name.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
The Lord Hates
These are things that the Lord HATES. Hate is such a strong word. It is of high degree. Such things, then, are things that you really shouldn't do.
As the Lord God stated, if he hates it, then even more so you shouldn't do it. I try not to think bad things against anyone and I try not to say untrue things.
Lord, I pray for these things. As you hate these things that people do, then I try to not do it. Lord I thank you for giving me strength to do your will. I pray that I use this lesson for your glory. Thank you for all the blessings that you have given to me. I thank you for being with me and make this time I spend holy in your name.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Strength From Your Sin
Jesus knows when you will sin, but the more important lesson that I have found is that when you have turned from your sin, "strengthen your brothers." Learn from your mistakes and be strengthened in faith to keep from your sins.
As I sin in my life, I get strength from the Holy Spirit to turn away from my sins and to be stronger in Christ. It is good to learn from my sins and to not do it again. As I become stronger in the Lord, I resist temptation.
Lord, I thank you for your strength. I pray that you are my guide and my strength. I learn my my sins and as I turn away from my sins, I grow in you. I also let others grow in you by my mistakes. I pray that you be with me and I thank you in all my heart I pray.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Satan Can Get To Ya
Satan is a tricky angel. He is ruler of the earth and he can make you do things that you really don't want to do. I know that satan has a lot of power and I should be aware of him, and I also know that the Jesus in me gives me power over satan. This being, I know I always need Jesus to be with me.
I need to keep Jesus close to my heart. I know that satan is always trying to get to me and always temping me, but the Holy Spirit gives me strength to overcome his temptations.
Lord, I pray that you keep close to me and protect me and give me strength. I thank you for every blessing that you have given to me and I thank you for you son Jesus Christ for dying for my sins. I pray that the Holy Spirit guide me and be with me in Jesus name.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Weight of the World
With everything that is going on, its very easy to just go through life and not spend time with God. I have a lot of things going on and I need to organize my life and so I'm using Google calendar to help me set times and days of things that are going on. I need to make sure that I spend time in God's Words.
I realized that I need to always pay attention to what I'm doing because sometimes I don't spend enough time in God's presence. I don't want my daily activities to way down my time I spend with God.
Lord, let me know that you are God. I pray that I always look up towards you and let your Holy Spirit guide me. I thank you and I pray for this and all things. I thank you for your Son Jesus for coming and dying for my sins. I thank you for all your blessings and I pray this in Jesus name.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Its True... He's Coming Soon
12"But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name. Luke 21:10-12
This is exactly what has happened in China. In the years before, persecution has risen such that it was really difficult to be a Christian. Now, it has been a little bit easier. This was before what is currently happening in the world. Nations fight and natural disasters occur. This is the time of the end of ages.
Evidentually it is shown that the time is coming near when Jesus is coming back. Even more so I must draw closer to Him. I need to always walk in his ways even when times goes wrong. I want to be a good disciple of His.
Father God, I know that the time is coming when Jesus will be back and I want to be ready for that. I know that these signs that he has said is coming true and that He will be back soon. I pray that I stand firm in Your name and walk in your ways Lord. I thank you and I pray for my life in these next few days of Christmas that it be a joyous one that glorifies you. I pray for the skit that it will go smoothly and that everything works out fine. I thank you and pray all things in Jesus name.
Friday, December 22, 2006
The Right Teachers
" 'The Lord said to my Lord:
"Sit at my right hand
43until I make your enemies
a footstool for your feet." '[c] 44David calls him 'Lord.' How then can he be his son?"
45While all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples, 46"Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. 47They devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely." Luke 20:41-47
Life is full of teachers. They all have authority and I need to give them that authority so that I may learn more for myself. If I am always fighting what they say, then I will learn nothing. I need to be open to the right authority so that I may grow in knowledge as well as spiritually.
Lord, I pray that you give me the right teachers to guide me. I also pray that I may be open to them to learn more. I thank you for being with me and guiding me. Thank you for you hand upon me and letting me grow more closer to you. Help me these next few days as it comes closer to Christmas and let me celebrate your son Jesus coming to earth. I ask that you guide me as I help with the Christmas skit that it may be pleasing to you. Thank you and in your name.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Time In My Life
23He saw through their duplicity and said to them, 24"Show me a denarius. Whose portrait and inscription are on it?"
25"Caesar's," they replied.
He said to them, "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." Luke 20:20-25
I have heard this verse many times but sometimes I get something different from it. This time, I feel that this not only refers to money, but also one's own life. My life that I give to God is because he has loved me and has given his life for me, so I give my life for him. My time is my life, my time that I give God is what I give to him. From this, I need to learn more time management so that I do not give my time to others so that my time does not interfere.
I need to still learn more time management. I pray that I be given wisdom to do so.
Lord, I pray that you are my guide. I ask the Holy Spirit to help me be more time manageable. There are so many things that interfere with everything else and I pray that learn to be able to handle everything. Thank you Lord for everything and I pray in Jesus name.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
A Messenger
This kind of sums up all that God is. A king who provides for his messengers.
I need to remember that under God's protection, I will be safe and I will be taken care of.
Lord, I thank you for you are MY King. I thank you, for you have kept me a messenger for you and as being a messenger, I have your protection and I have your grace. I pray that in these holiday seasons, I still stay a messenger for you Lord. Thank you for all your blessings.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Testimony For Inspiration
Jesus did many miracles when he was still on earth. He healed many people and those healings influenced and gave faith to many others. As each action has a reaction, my actions have influence and can give faith to others.
I need to always uplift God when miracles come my way. Give God all the glory and it will also be shown to others to strengthen their faith. Testemonies are just some ways to inspire others closer to God.
Lord, I pray in your name that I may be a inspiration to others. Lord I give all glory in your name. When I hear testimonies of your miracles, I build me faith to know you are God. I want to be able to do that to others. Everything is in your hand and I thank you for everything Lord.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Jesus's Coming Doesn't Matter
Everyday it is like a life that wants to live to the fullest, but also a day that wants to go to heaven and live life there. Jesus has come and gone, but will be back. He will come back like a flash of lightning and no one will see it. It could be soon, it could be a time from now, but that still doesn't mean that my life is not worth not living for God.
I need to still live my life for God. I also still have to remember that his time will come when Jesus will come down to earth to take his people. I need to be guided in the right path to live right in God's name.
Lord, I pray that you give me guidance to remember your name and to remember your second coming. Lord I pray that the Holy Spirit be my guide and strength as I live my life for you. Thank you for everything that you have blessed me with and I pray everything with all of Jesus name.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Patience For Life
Then the land had rest from war. Joshua 14:13-15
Caleb was one of the spies that reported back to Moses. Because he was with the Lord, the Lord promised him an inheritance and this passage tells of him being rewarded after so many years. This shows me that sometimes, you might have to wait, some longer than others, to get what God has promised you. Caleb waited forty years to recieve his land from the Lord.
Patience is a key thing in life. I like to think I am a patient man. When you win something, it takes patience to wait to gain your rewards. When you ask God in prayer, you need patience from the Lord to wait on the answers. I think I need more patience no matter what the circumstance.
I pray a prayer of patience Lord. I ask your Holy Spirit to give me patience and guidance to be more patient especially during the holiday seasons when everything is going by so fast and everyone is in a rush. Lord, I ask that you change me heart and be with me as I live a life of patience for you. Thank you in Jesus name.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Current Times Are A Blessing
20 So Joshua and the Israelites destroyed them completely—almost to a man—but the few who were left reached their fortified cities. 21 The whole army then returned safely to Joshua in the camp at Makkedah, and no one uttered a word against the Israelites. Joshua 10:16-21
When I read this passage, I think of how Joshua and his men acted. I thought that people of God were kind-hearted and caring, but when reading this, I find that he is ruthless and dispickable. I have to remember that this is "Old-Testament" days where, even in this situation of war, things were not pretty. Back in those days, killing and ruthlessness was normal. In our society now, everything is so much more calm. Things are thought out, because if not, then all out war can happen and it could be the end of the world.I have to remeber to give God all the glory for having blessed me to live in these times. Although the world is not perfect, it was much more cruel during the times of Joshua. Acts of these kinds are common and part of the cultural experience. That is how God established himself then, but now He is an all-loving and compassionate God. That I have to be thankful for.
Lord, I know that you have a temper when times persist, but I also know that you are a Loving God. You care for me and are there when I need you. I thank you for all the blessings you have provided for me. I thank you for letting me live in a time where you are compassionate. I thank you for letting me live in a time of fiber optics. Lord, I give you all the honor and praise.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
17"When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.' 20So he got up and went to his father.
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
21"The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' Luke 15:17-21
When his father saw him, Jesus said he was filled with COMPASSION. Compassion means to have sorrow for another. To feel what they have felt. This father felt what his son felt, that he was gone and needed his father.I need to realized that compassion is not just about feeling for another, but also to understand how another feels, how their situation are. I need to learn to have compassion to understand other people's situations and understand where they are coming from. To have compassion is to love with understanding.
Lord I know you have compassion. You have compassion on everyone because you have died to give me a chance. You have understood what we go through, yet you give us grace to be with you. I ask that you give me compassion to understand and to love so that I may love others as you do. I thank you for such great virtues and give me a Spirit to act this out. Lord I pray this with every thanks in Jesus name.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Thankfulness Of Resolutions
From this passage, I look at how Jesus tells of this person rejoicing with others for he has solved his problem. How many times do I rejoice to God that I have figured out something. Like Jesus says, when good things come, rejoice with others about it. This spreads the love of Jesus and also a chance to thank God for his blessings.
I never really get a chance to rejoice about my problems and how things get resolved. I would like to take more time thanking God for letting me overcome obsticles that come my way and finally solve my problems. I need to rejoice with others and share my happiness with friends and families.
Lord, I thank you so much for all the answers you have given me. I pray that I give you all the glory and honor that I gain when I overcome obsticles and have my prayers answers. I thank you Lord Jesus that you have been there for me, guiding me, and I don't want to be like those lepards that didn't come back to thank you, but I want to thank you and give you glory. Lord, I pray that you be with me during this week as I continue my final exam and guide me with the Holy Spirit.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Think It Through
Even kings think before they act. The Lord says to think of the outcome and the consequences before you do anything. Listen to the Lord in prayer for wisdom and guidance.
I need wisdom from the Holy Spirit to think things through before acting out anything. If it is in His will, then use the Holy Spirit as wisdom to make the decision.
Lord, I pray that you guide me and let me pray through my problems. I ask that you give me wisdom through the Holy Spirit to think things through so that I may know how to be smart in life. Thank you for so many things Lord. I thank you for today that I may have gone through my two exams with your guidance. I pray for such knowledge in your name.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
On You Lord
I read repent and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This verse reminds me that I never am free from sin and if sin gets me down, then I must repent to Christ Jesus, and only then can I be accepted into heaven.
I need to stay strong in the Lord through the Holy Spirit. If I sin, then I must repent to God for only Jesus can save me from my sins. I want to see the Lord Jesus up in heaven, and only when I put him first, then I may see Him.
Lord, I want to see you. I want to be in heaven where you are so I can be with you. Lord I pray that I stay strong in your word and your Spirit. I pray that I may know you Lord, so that I may call you my Savior and be with you when the time comes. Lord, I thank you for such a wonderful day glorifying you in the 50 years that have made Calvary Assembly of God Church such a wonderful place to serve you. I thank you that I may see this all in your glory. All praises and honor is in your name.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Glory To God
After everything that Mordecai has gone through, through tough times, he comes out giving glory to God. God has esteemed him with royal garments. From sacks of cloth to royal garments, God reigns on the inside as well as the outside. Giving God all the glory.
Even through the tough times, I shall give God all the glory. I know he will be with me and answer my prayers. In the end, through faith, I know God will be with me.
Lord, thank you for I know that you are with me. Holy Spirit guide me through tough times as I continue to seek you. I pray for strength against temptation and guidance and wisdom to do your will. I thank you for every blessing you have given me. Even through earthly treasures I give you all the glory.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Strength Through Fasting
As there are times of trouble, Esther and Mordecai fast and pray. They fast and pray to strengthen their faith in the Lord.
I need to be stronger in my faith by learning how to fast and how to pray. When I fast, I need to keep my mind on the Lord. I need to pray through tough times even though the Lord is with me.
Lord I pray that I have strength to be a strong christian and learn to pray and learn to fast as you have. I pray that I may be stronger in my faith through these things. I thank you for everything such as my workplace and my family. I say this is Jesus name.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
An Influence
What speaks to me in this verse is that it shows that people are influenced by actions. When I say something wrong or do something stupid, it will be seen by all people and can sometimes have a influence on other's thoughts or feelings. When you are a leader, you will always be influenciong people. As a leader, it is your responsibility to show good actions, Godly actions because you may influence others. Also, as a Christian, you should do what Jesus wants because, although you may not see it, others may see you and be influenced by you.
Through this rhema, I see that I do influence others. I hope to be of good influence like the video I just watched, Glory Road. I want to be Christ-like, so others may know that the things I do and the things I say do reflect my character of Christianity.
Lord, I thank you so much for being in me and guiding me. Lord I pray that I be a Christ-like influence to others. I asked that you give me wisdom in my actions that I may reflect your glory. I thank you in all of Jesus name.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
The Intangibles
God sees not what you give, but also what is intangible in your heart. Things like Love and Peace and Compassion are some of the things that can be spoken bigger than any gift given.
I need to also give of my intangibles to the Lord. I can give my time, my effort, and my knowledge. God does not look at just the things that I contribute, but also the direction that my heart is led to.
Lord, I pray to you Father for such things as these. These intangible things that I can do for you are things that can't be held. I pray that you give me a heart to do your will and have a heart like your heart, where I may be Christ-like. I thank you Lord for everything that you have done for me, and have helped me along with my school work and have been with me through this week. Lord I pray that you continue to work in my heart and guide me as This semester concludes. I pray this all in Jesus name.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Worship Like You
This is probably the first time I ever read of a congregation worshiping to the Lord. This gives me great encouragement to read because even back in the Old Testament days, worshiping the Lord was a great thing.
I want to be able to worship with a heart of these. I feel worshiping the Lord is a awesome thing, to give praises and honor to our God. I like to express my love for the Lord and I want to be able to draw closer everytime I worship Him.
Father, I love you with all my heart and I praise you everytime I say your name. Father, give me a heart to worship you. I pray that I draw closer to you everytime I raise my hand to you Lord. I want to give you honor and all the praises. I also pray for all that need your answers. I pray for Arial's friend's mom that she may get better and for Chris's mother that she have a good surgery. Watch over them as they need your protection Lord. I thank you for my prayers and I always say this in Jesus name.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Blessings Of Today
I find this verse to be full of joy, but also sorrow because it shows how blessed we are to have God in our lives. We who have the Lord with us do not live with sorrows and loneliness, but with joy that the Holy Spirit is our guide and a friend like Jesus to walk with us. It shows, even the prophets who lead the people to the Lord in the Old Testament were not blessed enough to see such things come and go, but we that live the days today are able to understand his word and live the way that he wants us to live.
This shows the extent of our blessings from the Lord. I need to always be appreciative for such things. If I was born in a time other than today, I don't know how I will feel. If I was born in a time where chaos and sin was ruling the nations, it would be much harder to live the way the Lord wants us to live. That is why I always have to give God all the glory and thanks for such blessings he has given to me.
Lord, I thank you from the bottom on my heart that you have blessed me abundantly. I pray that you give me a heart after your own heart. One that sees such goodness that goes on in our world. I thank you for letting me such miracles that occur and so much of your word spreading to others. I want this to give me encouragement to live for you Lord.
Friday, December 01, 2006
No Fear Of The Lord
While everyone was marveling at all that Jesus did, he said to his disciples, 44"Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you: The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men." 45But they did not understand what this meant. It was hidden from them, so that they did not grasp it, and they were afraid to ask him about it. Luke 9:43-45
Everyone is praising God because of Jesus' miracles. Then Jesus tells his disciples that he will one day leave them and be taken to heaven. They react in a funny way, with suprise and confusion, but are afraid to ask him about it. I believe that at this time, they only like to hear the good things that happen, but shut out the bad things. This shows me that I shouldn't be ignorant to such things. There are more than just good things going on in the world, and whatever problem I encounter I should turn to Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is my guide as well as a lead for myself to understand things that go wrong or problems in my life. Whatever my problem is, I must always ask God first for help and guidance. I should never be afraid to ask the Lord for guidance and anything that I feel I need help in my life for.
Lord I pray that you be my guide and also go to you for your help. I pray that I may never be afraid to ask you for help, even if I feel I don't need to ask you for your help. I thank you Lord for everything that you have given me. All the blessings that you have done for me. Thank you in the Lords name.