Monday, December 04, 2006

Worship Like You

21 The Israelites who were present in Jerusalem celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days with great rejoicing, while the Levites and priests sang to the LORD every day, accompanied by the LORD's instruments of praise. 2 Chronicles 30:21

This is probably the first time I ever read of a congregation worshiping to the Lord. This gives me great encouragement to read because even back in the Old Testament days, worshiping the Lord was a great thing.

I want to be able to worship with a heart of these. I feel worshiping the Lord is a awesome thing, to give praises and honor to our God. I like to express my love for the Lord and I want to be able to draw closer everytime I worship Him.

Father, I love you with all my heart and I praise you everytime I say your name. Father, give me a heart to worship you. I pray that I draw closer to you everytime I raise my hand to you Lord. I want to give you honor and all the praises. I also pray for all that need your answers. I pray for Arial's friend's mom that she may get better and for Chris's mother that she have a good surgery. Watch over them as they need your protection Lord. I thank you for my prayers and I always say this in Jesus name.

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