What satisfies God?
They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, "They are my people, " and they will say, "The Lord is our God" (Zechariah 13:9)
God is not satisfied unless His people have a living relationship with Him. It's not good enough to think about God only when you have a crisis or other great need in your life. It's not enough to pray only when you feel like it or only when you're asked to pray in Sunday School or youth group. God loves you so much that He wants to be your Father and your Friend all the time- no matter what's going on in your life. This will bring Him satisfaction; you'll be satisfied as well.
If I could grow in my relationship with God more, I feel that I want to grow more in the way that I am able to hear from God, so that I may know what He wants for me. I know that there are many things that He may not let me know because I may not be ready, but being ready to obey Him is something that I can tangibly work on, but hearing from God is something that I want to grow more in so that I know His will and the His wisdom.
Father God, I thank you for your Love for me and giving your Son so that I may be with you in heaven. Lord, I pray that you are the only thing that satisfies me and more importantly, that I satisfy you. Lord, I pray that our relationship grow closer together, so that I may know you more. Let me be able to listen to you and hear you daily. Lord I thank you and I want to give you all the glory in Jesus name.