Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Righteous God, Salvation For All

Isiah 51:6-8
6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens,
look at the earth beneath;
the heavens will vanish like smoke,
the earth will wear out like a garment
and its inhabitants die like flies.
But my salvation will last forever,
my righteousness will never fail.

7 “Hear me, you who know what is right,
you people who have taken my instruction to heart:
Do not fear the reproach of mere mortals
or be terrified by their insults.
8 For the moth will eat them up like a garment;
the worm will devour them like wool.
But my righteousness will last forever,
my salvation through all generations.”

God is good and He is good forever. He states here that many things will pass, even the heavens and the earths, but God is righteous and His righteousness is forever. His salvation is forever, and it is for all generations.

This passage reminds me of how great God is and that His righteousness is beyond anything that I can even imagine. He offers salvation to all people and all generations, so that we may be righteous through His son, Jesus Christ. So, I need to focus on God's righteousness.

Father God, who am I to be in awe of how awesome You are. You are so great, and You deserve everything. Your righteousness is beyond my comprehension, and everything in You is forever good. I thank you so much for who You are, a great and righteous God, but also one who shows compassion and grace for even to the likes of mere men. I thank You for the salvation that You died for, so that the lost can come to know You. I give you all the glory and You deserve even more. I declare Your glory to all. In Jesus name.

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