Friday, October 30, 2009

Having Others Open Up

Acts 22:1-2
1"Brothers and fathers, listen now to my defense." 2When they heard him speak to them in Aramaic, they became very quiet.

When Paul spoke in Aramaic, the crowd settled down because this caused them to relate to Paul more, since it is one of their native language.

It is important to relate to those that you are reaching out to. Here, Paul does it through speaking the same language, but in other situations, connecting yourself with others, and ultimately Jesus, is a great way to speak into the lives of others.

Father God, I know that your Holy Spirit guides me. I pray for Your spirit to allow me to find ways to relate to others, that they may open up their hearts and not be closed to the words that You have given. I pray for opportunity and for grace. I know that You are the one who changes lives, so I pray for this. I give you all the glory in Jesus name.

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