Thursday, July 16, 2009

Punishment For A Rebellious Heart

Hosea 8:1
1 "Put the trumpet to your lips!
An eagle is over the house of the LORD
because the people have broken my covenant
and rebelled against my law.

The people of Israel have judgement and punishment waiting for them. They have rebelled against God, and have disobeyed His commands, so they are to be punished for their actions.

Idk why this verse spoke to me. I guess it is telling me and reminding me that there are consequences to my actions. Again, my sin is to be judged. I am to pay for my disobedience to the Lord, but by the Grace of Jesus Christ, who took that punishment for me, I can have joy in my life. Yet, to still be reminded that God judges those who rebel.

Father God, I pray for my life to not rebel against You. I ask that I may obey Your commands. I ask that You be Lord of my life. I thank you for Salvation, that I have it through grace alone. I thank you so much, for all that you have given me. I thank you for being able to share your spirit through Your words. I pray this in Jesus name.

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