Wednesday, July 15, 2009

God's Direction Is On Target

Hosea 7:16
16 They do not turn to the Most High;
they are like a faulty bow.
Their leaders will fall by the sword
because of their insolent words.
For this they will be ridiculed
in the land of Egypt.

Israel is compared to a faulty bow. One that will not shoot the way that it is directed. Sometimes, people are a faulty bow, always going the wrong way.

We need God to bend us and mold us back to a straight bow, one that shoots straight the way and direction that He wants for us.

Father God, I pray that I may be a straight bow, one that is used by You. I ask that you may bend me to be straight for You. Shoot me in the direction that You want, and let me reach my target. You are awesome and so splendid. I give you honor and glory in Jesus name.

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