Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Living For God Through A Blessed Life

Hosea 10:1-2
1 Israel was a spreading vine;
he brought forth fruit for himself.
As his fruit increased,
he built more altars;
as his land prospered,
he adorned his sacred stones.

2 Their heart is deceitful,
and now they must bear their guilt.
The LORD will demolish their altars
and destroy their sacred stones.

What spoke to me here was the spreading of Israel's territory, of prospered land, and of fruitfulness, yet, through it all, they lost sight of their Creator and Lord. They started to do things that was not pleasing to the Lord. The disobeyed Him as they focused on their things and themselves.

It's easy to lose sight of what is important in your life according to God. I wish I would not lose sight of my focus and relationship with my Father in Heaven, even through all the blessings that He has provided me with.

Father, Lord and Creator of this awesome Universe. I ask that You always be relevant and focal in my life. I ask that I may not lose sight of You, that I may thank you and bless you for a blessed and prosperous life. I thank you for all that you have done in my life, and that I may continue to serve You in all that I do. I want to glorify you Jesus name.

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