Monday, December 15, 2008

Ask And He Will Give Without Finding Fault

James 1:5
5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

God is good. As I read this verse, I am reminded that, not only does God give generously, but He also gives to those like myself who don't deserve it because of our sins. He gives through mercy without finding fault. He gives because He loves us.

This is not to say that I may sin and ask God for wisdom and blessing, but that in my sin, I may still be blessed by God, convicting me of His love, and turning from all that not pleasing to Him. I must stay in His Holiness, that I may have His covering over me.

Father God, I thank you for your mercy to sinners like myself. I pray for your forgiveness, and that I may again find favor in your eyes. Lord, I pray that your Spirit guide me. I ask for your wisdom and knowledge for this coming week of finals, that I may retain the material and do good in my education. But Lord, more so I pray for your wisdom in these decisions and actions in life, that it may be according to your will. That I may do as you say and obey. Lord, be with me and let your Holy Spirit lead in my life. I give it all to you. I give you honor and praise in Jesus name.

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