Sunday, November 02, 2008

We Don't Need To Fear God's Awesome Plans For Us

Job 23:14-15
14 He carries out his decree against me,
and many such plans he still has in store.

15 That is why I am terrified before him;
when I think of all this, I fear him.

Imagine the things that God has planned out for you. Such awesomeness, yet, scary. That's what Job was going through. The fear of the Lord, for he did not know what was to come.

Even through all these, we must still trust in God. He has great plans for us, and I know sometimes it can be daunting. But God is with us. We don't have to fear Him or the things that are to come, but to trust in Him and He will be with us.

Father God, you are awesome. You are great. I love you because you know me. You know the plans for me, to lift me up and bless me, to build in me something that is beyond what I can comprehend. And Lord, that can be scary, but don't let that fear take over me, because I know that you are there for me. I thank you Lord for this awesome blessing for me. Allow me to be moved by You I pray. In Jesus mighty name.

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