Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Love Outwards

1 Thess 3:12
12May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.

We've been focusing so much on the Love of God and to draw closer to Him. We need to also remember to love those around us. To continue to draw close to others in love through Christ Jesus.

We need to love upward, outward, and inward. I know that I have been lacking in my love for others and I know that God is working in me to be more love towards others.

Father, I thank you for this reminder to continue to love others just like how you love me. I know that you are Love and that I can not say that I love you but not my brother. So work in my heart and let me be open to others even when they are my enemies. I pray that you break my heart and my pride to show your true love for others. I thank you Lord and pray this in Jesus name.

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