Thursday, April 24, 2008

T5+: Eternal Life: Priceless

You've probably head that diamonds are forever or that they're a girl's best friend. some people think diamonds are the world's rarest and most valuable gemstones. The truth is, there is no shortage of diamonds in the world. And there are other jewels that are considered more precious. Rubies are one example. The unique stones get their beauty from their luster and reddish color. Though most rubies sold today are man-made, natural rubies are rare and costly. A large natural ruby can be worth many times more than a diamond of he same size.
For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her (Proverbs 8:11)

If you happen to find a ruby, you probably wouldn't toss it in the trash. Yet many people carelessly cast aside something infinitely more valuable: the wealth of wisdom found in the Bible. The pages of God's Word offer what many people have sought throughout the ages: guidance, fulfillment, comfort, and the promise of eternal life. Sadly, most of the world fails to recognize the true worth of God's Word or lay claim to its promises.

god's truth is a treasure that should be sought out and cherished. The reward is eternity with God, a prize that is priceless, beyond compare.

I can show God that I truly treasure His Words by reading them and taking them in like water that I thirst for. His words are pregnant with truths that are living and apply to us daily. It has tons of great wealth that speak from God into our lives.

Father, I thank you for your glorious words. I know that it has tons of truths that you want us to know. Let your wisdom be unfolding when I read it and let it speak into my life so that it may be changed by the glory of your hand. I thank you for your precious words and for your greatness in my life. I thank you and pray all these things in your Holy name.

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