Sunday, February 17, 2008

T5+: A Set Affection

The term love is thrown about in today's society like a basketball in the final seconds of an intese game. It is used to describe afeeling between a guy and his french fries, between a child and a puppy, between a girl and a trendy pair of shoes...
The Lord set his affection on your forefathers and loved them, and he chose you, their descendants, above all he nations (Deuteronomy 10:14,15).

God's love is different. His love is not based on what we do or who we are. God has "set his affection" on us; He has chosen us. For God, love is not a shallow, on-again, off-again emotion. his love is more steady than the sun in the desert, more fixed than the mountains of any range.

There will be times when we don't feel God's love; even so, that love persists. That's why for us it's called a walk of faith (2 Corth 5:7), not a walk of feeling. We trust what God has said about himself, about loving us, choosing us- not what we feel about Him. God hasn't withdrawn His love, He's still ehre, loving us, inviting us to himself- that's the way His love is!

God's love is a constant and it is eternal. He is always gonna love you no matter what or what you are, because you are still a child of God. God's love is a matter of faith, because there will be times that you don't feel His love, and you feel the world coming apart, but God's love is there. Through faith, He will show himself to you.

Father, I thank you for your love for me. I know that there are times that I forget that you love me out there. You love me with a big hug. Lord, I thank you for that. I pray that my relationship with you is not about feeling, but about faith in you. Lord, let me have faith in your love for me. I know that you are there every step of the way. I thank you lord. I pray this all in your Holy name.

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