Monday, February 25, 2008

T5+: Lemons to Lemonade

Joshua and the Israelites made a huge and costly mistake. When the Gibeonites approached them to make a treaty, instead of consulting with the Lord to see if they should do it, they went by outward appearances. What they didn't know was that the Gibeonites were deceiving them. As so often happens, things were not as they appeared to be!

We all make mistakes. We have all failed to consult God first at one time or another and had to live with the consequences. When that happens we can be tempted to despair and give up, thinking all is lost.
That day he made the Gibeonites woodcutters and water carriers for the community and for the altar of the Lord at the place the Lord would choose. And that is what they are to this day (Joshua 9:27)

Joshua didn't give up. He made his mistake for for him. In God, once we acknowledge our mistake and ask for forgiveness, we always have another chance. Don't give up. Don't let failure overtake you. See how you can take those lemons and turn them into something refreshing!

We should all consult the Lord with our decisions. He has to be important in our lives for Him to be Lord. We have to give Him our decisions and let Him guide and lead us to what is best.

Father, let me learn to ask you in all the decisions that I have. Lord, I pray that I can seek you for wisdom and ask you of you will for my life. Take charge in my life and I ask for your guidance. I thank you Holy Spirit I pray in Jesus name.

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