Friday, May 04, 2007

Help Me, Help You

1 Chron 19:12-13

12He said, "If the Arameans are too strong for me, then you shall help me; but if the sons of Ammon are too strong for you, then I will help you.

13"Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God; and may the LORD do what is good in His sight."

The Lord wants us to work together as a team. We each have our strengths and our weaknesses. If one person should need help, we should help them. If we ourselves need help, we should let others help us. We do God's work as a team.

Not everything I can do by myself. I have no talents in some fields and many talents in other fields. I need to let others help me when I can't do something myself. I can not let my pride or any other thing get in the way of my flesh to do God's work.

Father God, I thank you for today. Today you let me know that I need others. I can not always just depend on myself. I need to have others help me. I know that working as a team is what you want. You let me know that I can't do everything myself. I thank you for humbling me. I want to give you all the glory in Jesus name.

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