Monday, March 05, 2007

Set Apart Holy

Leviticus 20:22-26

22"Do what I tell you, all my decrees and laws; live by them so that the land where I'm bringing you won't vomit you out. 23You simply must not live like the nations I'm driving out before you. They did all these things and I hated every minute of it.

24"I've told you, remember, that you will possess their land that I'm giving to you as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey. I am GOD, your God, who has distinguished you from the nations. 25So live like it: Distinguish between ritually clean and unclean animals and birds. Don't pollute yourselves with any animal or bird or crawling thing which I have marked out as unclean for you. 26Live holy lives before me because I, GOD, am holy. I have distinguished you from the nations to be my very own.

God wants us to be set apart from that of earthly temptations. He wants to bring us to somewhere higher, where it is holy. Before us, people were wicked and sinning. He wants us to stop our sins and to be separate from it. He wants us to be Holy because God is Holy. You can tell that someone is different if they are holy. They will not be acting normally, because when you are Holy, your focus is on God.

I want to be set holy before God. I want to be distinguished from others that I am holy. I know that it would not be easy, but to be holy before God is to show his light to others. I want to be able to show others that God is holy, and that his holiness is in me.

Lord, I thank you for your name is most holy. I want to praise your Holy name. Lord, I thank you for your word. Let it speak to me to be set apart from the things of this earth, so that I may be set holy in your eyes. I thank you and I pray that you be with me. Have your Holy Spirit be with me to help me be holy. Lord, I thank you and I pray all these things in your glorious name.

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