Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Living His Words

Leviticus 22:31
31"Do what I tell you; live what I tell you. I am GOD.

God speaks to us. He is telling us to not just do what He tells us to do, but we must live it. We simply can't do his commands, but live the things that he says. Let his words be part of your life. Let it move even when you're not thinking about it. Let it shape your character.

I want God's words to move in my life. I don't want to just do the things that are His words, but I want to live it. I know it is hard to do this, but with God's strength I know I can. I want to be able to live his words, so that people will know he is my Lord.

Father God, I thank you for your Son Jesus Christ for dying for my sins. Lord, I pray that you give me strength so that I can Live your words. I pray that you be with me and mold me, change my character to be more of what you want. Lord, I thank you for all your blessings. I want to give all the glory to you. Let me be a witness for you. I pray all these things in your glorious name.

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