Thursday, March 15, 2007

Prepare Yourself

Mark 14:6-9
6But Jesus said, "Let her alone. Why are you giving her a hard time? She has just done something wonderfully significant for me. 7You will have the poor with you every day for the rest of your lives. Whenever you feel like it, you can do something for them. Not so with me. 8She did what she could when she could--she pre-anointed my body for burial. 9And you can be sure that wherever in the whole world the Message is preached, what she just did is going to be talked about admiringly."

Jesus shows us here in this example that, right before going through the trials and hardships that he will endure, he is being anointed. He is being prepared for the pain and suffering that is to come. He knows he has to go through it, so he prepares himself physically, here with his body, and later spiritually in prayer.

I need to always prepare myself when going through times of trials and other things that God wants for me. I need to always prepare myself before anything important, whether it be an exam, or talking with God. I have to prepare myself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Father, I thank you and praise your Holy name. Lord, I want to prepare myself for you. I ask that my sins be forgiven by your blood. I pray that I be made holy so that I can speak to you. Lord, I want to be prepared for what you have in store for me. I pray that you give me strength to do this. I know that in the next couple of weeks I will have many exams and I want to pray that I prepare for them. Also I would like to prepare for any spiritual trials that will come. Lord, I thank you for your spirit. I give you all the praise and all the glory. In your glorious name I pray.

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