Friday, March 16, 2007

Hold Your Emotions

Mark 14:55-61

55The high priests conspiring with the Jewish Council looked high and low for evidence against Jesus by which they could sentence him to death. They found nothing. 56Plenty of people were willing to bring in false charges, but nothing added up, and they ended up canceling each other out. 57Then a few of them stood up and lied: 58"We heard him say, "I am going to tear down this Temple, built by hard labor, and in three days build another without lifting a hand.'" 59But even they couldn't agree exactly.

60In the middle of this, the Chief Priest stood up and asked Jesus, "What do you have to say to the accusation?" 61Jesus was silent. He said nothing.
The Chief Priest tried again, this time asking, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed?"

Everyone is accusing Jesus of doing wrong. For some reason, they have a need to make up stories about him so that they can kill him. Jesus shows humility through all this. He lets it all go by, not saying a word. He knows that it has to be done. Although he knows what they are saying is false testimonies, he does not dispute against them. He can, in an instant, change the whole situation, but through humility, he holds back to let it all be done.

There is no use arguing with other people. There is no use to prove yourselves to others. God shows that God's will is more important than anything else. Even though your emotions can get ruffled up, do not let it get the best of you. Don't let your emotions stop you from doing God's will.

Father God, I thank you for Jesus, the perfect model for how we should be. Lord, I want to praise your name and say that you are most holy. I praise you because you are God. Lord, I thank you for your word, this word that your will is important. I pray that my emotions not sway me from doing your will. Lord, I pray that you be with me and give me strength to do your will. I want to thank you. I give you all the glory in Jesus name.

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