Monday, March 19, 2007

I Can't Do Anything On My Own

Numbers 24:12-13
12Balaam said to Balak, "Didn't I tell you up front when you sent your emissaries, 13"Even if Balak gave me his palace stuffed with silver and gold, I couldn't do anything on my own, whether good or bad, that went against GOD's command'?

Baalam is here again, a priest for God. He knows that he can only do what God wants. He can only say what God wants. He is God's servant. He can't go against God and bless others whom He doesn't want to bless, or curse others whom He doesn't want to curse. Without God, there is no power.

I know for a fact, that when you are with God, His spirit and His power and His will is with you. Without God's spirit, then we are nothing. We can't speak against the Lord, we can only speak for Him. All things that he wants is good. All things said in His words and His will is good. Anything from your own will is not according to God's will.

Father God, I thank you for this word. I thank you for this rhema of your will. Lord, I pray that your will be my will. I pray that I know your will, so that I can do what you want. Lord, I thank you for your Holy Spirit. Lord, I thank you for such a blessed life, that I can do your will. Lord, help me do your will, help me be your servant that only does and say what you want. I pray that my heart be changed to be like yours. I thank you Jesus. I thank you for this. I pray that you be with me during this week, especially when I need wisdom for my exams, and let me to continue to know your will. Lord, I thank you and all these things in your glorious name.

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