Sunday, March 11, 2007

God's Order

Numbers 4:49
49At GOD's command through Moses, each man was assigned his work and told what to carry.
And that's the story of their numbering, as GOD commanded Moses.

God is a God of order. Here in Numbers, he is listing all the people of his kingdom and instructing them on the tasks that are given to them. God has placed order in his kingdom, because order and laws are proper for his holy kingdom. His kingdom is not a place where rampage and mayhem can proceed. God's kingdom is perfect, and in perfection, every person has their own tasks.

Numbers is a hard book to read. It is what it is titled, a book about numbering. Count this and count that. But, the presence of this in the holy spirit is the order of God's will. Everything has to be done in a certain order. Everything has to be done in a certain fashion. God ordered his people in sections with each section having a specific task. Only then, through order, can they work together.

Father God, I thank you for your word. Let this rhema of your orderliness have a change in my attitudes and my character, so that I may know your will, to know your order. Lord, I pray that you put upon me an order for your kingdom. Let your will be holy and righteous. Lord, let your task for my life be right in your will. I thank you for all that you have done. I thank you for what you will do. I pray this in Jesus holy and righteous name.

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