Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Pride Blinds

The Master sent a message against Jacob.
It landed right on Israel's doorstep.
All the people soon heard the message,
Ephraim and the citizens of Samaria.
But they were a proud and arrogant bunch.
They dismissed the message, saying,
"Things aren't that bad.
We can handle anything that comes.
If our buildings are knocked down,
we'll rebuild them bigger and finer.
If our forests are cut down,
we'll replant them with finer trees." Isaiah 9:8-10

Sometimes, being proud isn't all that good. When one is proud, they are joyful in themselves. Sometimes this is alright because God wants us to be joyous for our blessings, but when that joyfulness starts to turn into arrogance,then being proud will only bring about problems.

God is showing me that being proud sometimes can cause me to be blind of other things. Because they didn't think there was anything wrong with what they were doing, the Isrialites couldn't see their flaws, and therefore, were brought down from their own sins. I hope to be a humble man who is proud, proud to give glory to God.

Lord, I thank YOU for everything. I know that you are my God and creator of all things. I pray that you let me be a humble man for You. Lord, I thank you for your word and I pray that I not be proud enough to see my own flaws and my own sins. Lord, I pray that you give me strength from your words. I thank you for your blessings. I thank you for your guidance and strength. I pray that you make my heart humble as I come to Encounter You. I thank you and pray for the people of the church, that you be with each person as they stay strong for You. I pray you be with them and give them strength to do your will. I give all glory to You, Lord.

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