Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Only With Jesus' Strength

Late at night, the boat was far out at sea; Jesus was still by himself on land. He could see his men struggling with the oars, the wind having come up against them. At about four o'clock in the morning, Jesus came toward them, walking on the sea. He intended to go right by them. But when they saw him walking on the sea, they thought it was a ghost and screamed, scared out of their wits. Mark 6:47-49

How many times is it that the disciples of Jesus struggle when their Lord is not with them. When Jesus is not with them, they are always attacked by the devil. When Jesus is with them, there is protection around Him. With Jesus, you are safe and strong.

I know that when I am in the Spirit of the Lord, I am a strong christian that has His protection over me. But, when I am without Him, then temptation comes, struggles come, problems come at me. Only with His strength that I may fight these sins. Only with His power that I can withstand the devil.

Lord, I thank you for your Holy Spirit. I give you glory, Father. I pray that you be with me as I walk with you. I pray that this rhema that you have given to me give me strength to walk with you. I pray that you be with me and let me know that You are my God and only with your strength do I fight off the devil. I thank you for that Lord. I pray this in Jesus name.

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