Sunday, January 28, 2007

He Is My Rock

And why? Because you have forgotten God-Your-Salvation,
not remembered your Rock-of-Refuge.
And so, even though you are very religious,
planting all sorts of bushes and herbs and trees
to honor and influence your fertility gods,
And even though you make them grow so well,
bursting with buds and sprouts and blossoms,
Nothing will come of them. Instead of a harvest
you'll get nothing but grief and pain, pain, pain. Isaiah 17:10-11

This is definately something that I don't want to happen. I don't want to lose track of myselft and forget about my Lord. It says here that "not remembering your rock, and although you are religious, your trees will not produce fruits." If I don't reliaze that He is my rock, my power, my strength, then all these things that I do will be for nothing.

I need to always remember that He is my strength. I give all the glory to Him. I need to keep on His path and remember to know that God is my Rock, my Strength, my Power that I can always hold on to. Without Him in my life, in my works, there will not be great outcomes, no great fruits.

Lord, I thank you for your love for my. I thank you for your strength that you have given me and thank you Daddy for walking with me. I know that it is You who gives me strength, it is You who guides me Lord. I pray that I remember you in all things and have you in my works Lord so that it may produce good fruits. I thank you and pray that you give me courage and strength to do your will.

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