Monday, March 02, 2009

Allowing God To Move Through Prayer

Mark 9:25-29
25When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the evil[a] spirit. "You deaf and mute spirit," he said, "I command you, come out of him and never enter him again."

26The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, "He's dead." 27But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up.

28After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, "Why couldn't we drive it out?"

29He replied, "This kind can come out only by prayer."

The power of prayer can allow God to do so much. Jesus says that some things, we can only pray for.

I need to be covering all things in prayer. I need to pray more. God does not want me to pray so that I can talk to Him, but to also intercede, to pray through things, to pray for things, to be covering in prayer.

Father, Lord of this Universe, I pray to you. I ask of you, and I intercede to you, that through prayer, you can do great things. I pray for discipline, so that I can come you you in all things. I thank you for moving. I want to give you the glory and honor in Jesus name.

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