Sunday, November 30, 2008

Blessed By His Cross For Salvation

Roman 4:6-8
6David says the same thing when he speaks of the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works:
7"Blessed are they
whose transgressions are forgiven,
whose sins are covered.
8Blessed is the man
whose sin the Lord will never count against him."

We are so blessed to have God on our side. It is only through His grace that we are saved. It is only by His strips, we are healed.

This passage speaks of that blessedness. We are so blessed to have salvation in our hands. We are so blessed to have God die for us. If it weren't for that, then my sins would give me short of what God wants from me, but it is through His cross that I am blessed by Him.

Father, thank you for you have blessed me with all that you have done. I give you all the glory. Lord, thank you for all that you have blessed me with, but most importantly, thank you for your blessing on me for you have taken away my sins. Thank you Lord. Let me be in constant reminder of your grace and mercy. I want to glorify you and live my life for you in Jesus Holy and Mighty name.

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