Thursday, October 23, 2008

Truth According To The Word Of God

Acts 17:10-12
10As soon as it was night, the brothers sent Paul and Silas away to Berea. On arriving there, they went to the Jewish synagogue. 11Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. 12Many of the Jews believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men.

Even as new believers, or people who already follow the Lord, there are going to be new teachings that are labeled Christian beliefs. The word of God says to be cautious about teachings, and to make sure it is the truth through God's words.

We should always base our doctrine on the Word of God. There are always new thoughts and rhemas on God's words, and so we must check to see if it is biblical based and according to what God says.

Father God, I know that you are the true Lord of all. I know that you are the one who breathes life into me. As I hear new teachings, allow me to know your truth and not that of men. Help me authenticate the beliefs with what you are teaching, through your Holy words. I pray that through this, I may understand you more, and know your more. I thank you for your word, and I pray that you continue to be with me as I draw closer to you. I give you all the honor and glory and praise in Jesus name.

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