Friday, February 29, 2008

Hold On To Persevere

Gen 32:24-27
24 This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break. 25 When the man saw that he would not win the match, he touched Jacob’s hip and wrenched it out of its socket. 26 Then the man said, “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking!”

But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”

27 “What is your name?” the man asked.

He replied, “Jacob.”

Imagine being in a bicycle race and you get injured so badly that your whole leg doesn't work... but you still go on with the race. That is perseverance. Jacob had perseverance. Even when God took his leg out of his socket, he kept holding on to what he wanted, which was God. He held on to God until God had blessed him. That is perseverance.

We need to be able to seek God the way that Jacob did. He held on to the Lord no matter what until God blessed him. Through fights and injuries, Jacob still held on to the Lord. Through trouble, we can persevere for the Lord.

Father, I thank you for your words to hold on to You and your words and your blessings. Through tough times, we can persevere. Physical injury can get in our way, but our spirit can still persevere to hold on to God and all of His blessings. I thank you for that Lord.

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