Friday, March 02, 2007

God's Procedures

Leviticus 14:54-57
54"These are the procedures to be followed for every kind of serious skin disease or itch, 55for mildew or fungus on clothing or in a house, 56and for a swelling or blister or shiny spot 57in order to determine when it is unclean and when it is clean. These are the procedures regarding infectious skin diseases and mildew and fungus."

God is also a practical God. He shows here that there are practical ways of doing things. Instead of just saying that something is unclean, he testes it; he trouble-shoots the problem. The way that God wants us to do things is for the priest to see if the unclean thing spreads. If it does spread, then you remove it. If it keeps spreading, then the item is useless and must be destroyed, or in the case of a person, must be quarantined from everyone else to stop the unclean thing from spreading. God, like me, tells us to trouble-shoot the problem to figure out what is causing the problem. I can relate to this as I try to find the problem in everything all the time.

I'm a very practical guy. When there is a problem, I try to find out what is the cause and how to resolve it. Sometimes, at work, there are so many problems that sometimes I just take a shortcut and say it won't work. That's me, I'm also lazy. If I am lazy, I will take a shortcut and state that things can't be fixed. Here, the priest must test if the unclean is unclean, if it is spreading, and how to get rid of it. If it was me, I would say that it's unclean, take the person away, or destroy the thing. God teaches us patients through seeking out the problem. God shows us these practical ways of living.

Lord, I thank you for this message because I can really relate to it. I see that you are also a practical God. The way you tell the priest to see how to make things clean, you show me that, I too, must find out how to fix things. This is the talent that you gave to me. I want to use it for your glory. I want to not be lazy and go through procedures to ensure your will. I thank you for your message to me. Let me work for you. I thank you for your spirit and I pray this in Jesus name.

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