Saturday, November 11, 2006

Fellowship Leads to Addition

46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2: 46,47

The way that this verse speaks to me is that these people are going along with their new lives. They are doing the usual christian things such as having communion and fellowshiping. When they do this, people are added daily. The thing that speaks to me is that getting people added daily is good, but multiplying is even more awesome.

Sometimes I live my life with the flow of things. I go along with what I need to do during the day. I also have my time with God when I feel like it. Its all part of being a common christian. The best of this would be that I can add numbers to the Family of Christ. What I want to do is get the church to multiply. Multiplication is much more efficient than addition. To multiply we mustn't go through life with the flow of things. We must make things happen. I must try and get people to come to church and disciple others. I must be a leader and multiply.

Father God, thank you for this great day where I can spend time in your word. I want this verse to speak to me and lead me to be a multiplier of your Kingdom. Lord I pray that I can be a witness for you and a leader so that I can multiply the church. Father thank you for my talents that I may use it for your Glory. I pray this in Jesus name.

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