Friday, November 30, 2007

Obedient of His Words

Rom 2:13
13For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.

Paul is talking about judgement and how it is not how we judge, but eternally, God will be the ultimate judge. He goes on about how we are judged upon. He tells us that it is not enough to hear the word of God, but to obey and be righteous through God in your life.

It is hard to do everything that you tell yourself you're gonna do. Paul encourages us here to be doers of the work of the Lord, not just hearers. To obey His law is to lead to righteousness.

Father God, I pray that I may do what you tell me to. Lord, let me be obedient with your words. I pray that I have strength to follow your words. Be with me Holy Spirit as I live a life in righteousness. I thank you and give you all the glory in Jesus name.

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