Monday, June 04, 2007

The Real Word

Rom 16:17-18
17Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances (T)contrary to the teaching which you learned, and (U)turn away from them.

18For such men are (V)slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of (W)their own appetites; and by their (X)smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.

It is important to know the word of the Lord because it is THAT which we stand on. We don't stand on the word given from other men, who interpret the word, but on what the word from God means. Sometimes, the word of others may not be so accurate, so it is important to know where you are hearing the word from.

As I read the Lords words and as I go to services and listen to many people who speak of the word, I have to always know for myself what the word of the Lord says. If there are things that are not matching with what the Bible says, then I have to no take it straight up.

Father God, I thank you for this word. Lord, I pray that you let me have wisdom as I learn your word. Let me know your word from You. Lord, I pray that you be in this word. Lord, I pray that the words that I hear come straight from you and not from others. Lord, I thank you for this. I thank you for what you are going to do in my life. Lord, I give you all the praise. In all your glory in Jesus name.

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